In memory of Venerable Délia Tétreault

In memory of Venerable Délia Tétreault


紀念日 / Memorial date



In memory of Venerable Délia Tétreault

In memory of Venerable Délia Tétreault




Memorial Date:


戴麗雅(Délia Tétreault)生於1865年2月4日加拿大魁北克省滿地。她自小就從聖經及傳教士書籍內找到安慰。一天晚上,戴麗雅夢見自己跪在床邊祈禱時,看見廣闊的麥田,但金黃的麥籽卻變成了不同國籍小孩子的容貌,他感到這些面容正是教外小孩子的靈魂。他便立志成立傳教會來拯救教外小孩子的靈魂。她18歲時便進入修會,開始服務窮人工作。

1902年,她在滿地可創辦了一所傳教學校,為有志往外方傳教的女青年提供全面的培育。1904年,當普世教會慶祝「聖母無原罪」定為信理的50周年之際,教宗聖庇護十世恩賜戴麗雅的傳教學校正式成為宗座修會,並給它定名為「聖母無原罪傳教女修會」(Missonary Sisters of The Immaculate Conception);加拿大的第一個傳教女修會。






Venerable Délia Tétreault

Délia Tétreault, founder of the first canadian missionnary institute, was born in Marieville (Quebec) on February 4, 1865.

At the age of thirteen, she begins to feel a calling to the religious life and at the age of fifteen she makes a vow of perpetual chastity.

When she is eighteen Délia asks to enter the Carmelite monastery of Montreal but they refuse her. She then applies to the Sisters of Charity of Saint-Hyacinthe, who accept her as a postulant. Later, she meets a French Jesuit, Father Pichon, who asks her to help him establish an Institute devoted to help immigrants. For ten years, Délia helps Father Pichon in a poor neighborhood of Montreal: visits to the sick, catechesis, volunteer work occupy her life, but Délia still dreams to become a missionary.

She therefore quits the Institute to devote herself to her missionary project: the opening of an apostolic school for women preparing them to become missionaries. In 1902, it becomes the Society of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate-Conception. From then on she opens many missions in Canada, Asia, Africa, Madagascar, South America, and Central America. She also founds a lay women association for the mission (1905). Then, in 1921, she inspires Father Lapierre with the idea of founding a new Foreign Mission Society for priests and encourages him to approach the Bishop of Montreal.

In 1933, Délia becomes seriously ill. She dies on October 1, 1941. She is declared Venerable by Pope John-Paul II, on December 18, 1997.


God, our Father, You placed in the heart

of the Venerable Délia Tétreault

an ardent desire to bring people

in all parts of the world to know and love You.

Grant that we may be missionaries of the Good News in the world.

We ask you this through your Son, the Risen One,

and through the Spirit who makes the Church alive.
