In memory of Venerable Father Matteo Ricci

In memory of Venerable Father Matteo Ricci


紀念日 / Memorial date


In memory of Venerable Father Matteo Ricci

In memory of Venerable Father Matteo Ricci



Memorial Date:


利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci) ,字西泰,1552年10月6日生,1571年8月15日入耶穌會,1583年來華,1610年5月11日卒於北京。


在初學院時,他立志去印度傳教,並蒙允准。於是他在羅馬把全部時間用在研究對 傳教事業必要的各種專業知識上。1577年動身去里斯本;同年抵果阿 。

他於1580年晉升司鐸;兩年後由范禮安(Alex Valignani)神父召赴澳門學習漢語(1582年8月7日) 。1583 年,與羅明堅(Michel Ruggieri)神父同赴肇慶。

利瑪竇在羅馬求學時,精於數學及地理。於是他繪製了一幅《萬國輿圖》懸於寓所。其學術既為華人所器重,繪製的地圖尤為華人欣賞。於是利瑪竇又進一步製 造天體儀和地球儀,以及計時用的日晷,並以之贈與中國主要官員們。由於他以 精於天文學而聞名,在羅明堅神父去杭州府之際,利瑪竇獨留肇慶,以他的明智與 機靈,深得人心。為了適應中國的風俗習慣,他改穿儒服,起了中文名字:利瑪竇。澳門學院院長時任中國傳教區會長,但因韶州、南昌等地相距甚遠,管理困難,故另設一名會長,權限相等於省會長,並授權處理有關中國的各項事務。1596 年,利瑪竇神父被任命擔任此職,直至他去世。身任此職後,他魂牽夢繞的進京之行,更形迫切。

1601 年,利神父初次到訪北京城,向皇上獻上天主像和聖母像,皇上對聖像頗為敬重,並置於御前。皇上對自鳴鐘尤為喜愛,而利瑪竇得以常留北京,亦有賴於此鐘,因為當時京中無人能開動此鐘。

他在日常接見賓客時,常談論天主、靈 魂、天堂、地獄;同時還編撰新書,修訂舊作。自此,他不再離開北京,專心於製訂各種規範準則,以便日後人們遵行。其中數人為名公巨卿;翰林苑中也有入教者,其一為著名的徐光啟,聖名保祿。1605 年時,北京奉教人數已逾200人。

1609年利瑪竇在北京創立了天主教在中國的第一善會組織「天主之母善會」。利瑪竇雖身在北京,但心繫全國;他既要領導所有傳教士,以身作則,勤勞不輟;又 要培育新教友,扶植望教者,開導外教人。他還要著書立說,並督率建堂工程。此外,與各地神父們的信札往來,以及無法推辭的宮廷應酬,工作十分繁重。在心力交瘁的重壓下他一病不起,於1610年5月11日安逝,終 年57歲。皇上賜予葬地一處,原是一所廟宇,四周有圍牆,後成為在京葡萄牙教士的墓地 。











Venerable Father Matteo Ricci

Father Ricci, who was born in 1552 in Macerata, in central Italy. He entered the Jesuit novitiate in 1571 and was ordained a priest in 1580. He spent 28 years evangelising, absorbing Chinese culture and bringing Western science to the faraway Asian continent. He won the trust and admiration of the Ming Dynasty Emperor Wanli, ensuring that he and his Jesuit brothers would have the freedom to evangelise.

Ricci was a man of science—a cartographer, an astronomer and a mathematician—and he immersed himself in Chinese culture, enough to be able to translate many works, including a Catholic catechism, into Chinese and the teachings of Confucius into Portuguese.

He died in Beijing in 1610 at the age of 57, and the emperor made an unheard-of concession at the time of allowing Father Ricci, a foreigner, to be buried in Beijing.

Pope Francis recognised the heroic virtues of Father Ricci, acknowledging him as one of the Church’s great missionaries and the Apostle of China. The pope said “Father Ricci was great not only for what he wrote but because he was a man of encounters, a man of the culture of encounter; a man who went beyond being a foreigner and became a citizen of the world. He was among the first to establish a bridge of friendship between China and the West, implementing a still valid model of inculturation of the Christian message in the Chinese world.”

Pope Francis proclaimed Father Matteo Ricci ‘venerable’ on December 17, 2022.


O merciful Father, you have called your faithful servant, Father Matteo Ricci, to spread the Gospel and bear witness to the Truth in the land of China with admirable holiness and perseverance, so that the Chinese people may share your salvation. Through his outstanding example, rekindle our missionary zeal so that we may learn to practise the Truth in love in our daily lives and lead others, especially our Chinese brothers and sisters, to know and love you. Through the intercession of your faithful servant, grant me, Lord, the favour I ask of you (here make your petition), that your holy name may be glorified.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Venerable Father Matteo Ricci, pray for us.