聖基多福 (殉道)
里西亞的國王知道了這件事,派差役去拘捕基多福。差役來了,看見基多福還在祈禱,不敢下手逮捕他,只站在一旁。國王再派一批差役去;可是第二批差役也不敢驚動他。基多福唸完了經,張開眼來,看見那些差役環繞著他,就問他們有甚麼事 ?差役們說:國王派我們來捉你,你快快逃命。我們回去對國王說找不到你。基多福說:我跟你們一起去好了。途中,他給差役們講道,勸化了他們。
Saint Christopher, Martyr
The most popular image of St. Christopher depicts him as a huge, bearded man, carrying the Christ-Child on his shoulders as he wades across a river. The Child Jesus is holding the world in His hands like a ball.
According to the tradition, Christopher’s real name was Reprobus and he was a giant of a man who wanted to be at the service of the world’s strongest king. Reprobus once chosen to serve the Devil but eventually abandoned the Devil and went looking for Jesus Christ.
A hermit advised him to use his great strength and stature to assist travellers cross a dangerous river. One day he heard a child’s voice asking for help to cross the river. Reprobus put the child on his shoulders and began to wade through the rapidly rising water. But the further he went into the river, the heavier the child became. It was only with great effort that he managed to reach the opposite shore. There the child revealed his true identity as Jesus. The weight that Reprobus (now Christopher) had been carrying was that of the whole world, saved by the blood of Christ.
Other legends state that St. Christopher travelled after this experience and evangelized thousands of people. Arriving in Lycia in Asia Minor, and witnessing to Christians there who were being martyred. At that time, St. Christopher was detained and ordered to offer a sacrifice to the emperor. When he refused, it was decided to attempt to persuade him with money and women. Two women were sent to seduce him, but instead he converted them to Christianity.
After this, it was decided to have him killed, but various attempts to assassinate him failed. Eventually, he was arrested and beheaded. He was martyred on July 25. St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers and drivers.
Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Christopher, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the virtue he showed in casting off the works of evil and turning to serving You.
St. Christopher, legend says that your desire to serve the most powerful king led you to serve the devil for a time. But you discovered the error of your ways and turned to wholehearted service of God.
Please bring my petitions before God Whom you served!
You learned of the Christian Faith from a holy hermit and set about finding a way to serve God well in your life. You spent the rest of your life helping travelers and preaching the Gospel, until your martyrdom.
Pray for me, that I may wholeheartedly renounce sin in my life. Pray that I may always seek to serve God to the best of my ability.
Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).
St. Christopher, pray for us!
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
資料來源 References
中文內容:公教報4129期 (https://kkp.org.hk/node/detail/49727/)
English text: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/saints/07/25/st--christopher--martyr.html